Figure 1a: Total global vascular plant species richness

1a) Global species occurrence data were collected from the RBIEN database. Each species in the Kew World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP) was searched in RBIEN (WCVP n=356,618, within RBIEN n= 174,106). Lat/long pairs (n=22,881,401) were downloaded and rasterized over a 4x4 latitude by longitude grid.

Figure 1b: Richness for vascular plant species with a sequenced transcriptome

1b) The records for transcriptome sequenced species which occurred in the SRA (n= 4,653 valid species were present in RBIEN, out of 6,966) were collected. This returned 6,441,980 lat/long pairs.

Figure 1c: Proportion of species with a sequenced transcriptome

1c) An approximate measure of completeness was calculated by taking the number of species with transcriptomes sequenced, compared to the predicted number of species in a grid cell.